#Junko Matsui
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ねずみ小僧 (Nezumikozou/Mouse Boy)playing • いちごのうた (The Strawberry Song) • サンタさんが2人いた (There Are Two Santas) • おかぜをひいたサンタさん (Santa Caught a Cold) • EDDY & EMMYの新学期 (Eddy & Emmy's New Semester) • けろっぴ体操 (Keroppi Workout) • ブラウニーズ・ストーリー (Brownies Story) • ふたりの MILKY WAY (Our Milky Way) • Blue な恋の物語 (Love Story Blues) • キティとミミィの Happy Birthday (Kitty and Mimmy's Happy Birthday) • サムちゃんのパンプキン・マーチ (Sam's Pumpkin March)
Submitter's Note: いちご新聞 (Strawberry News) is Sanrio's magazine that has been running since 1975. The album features mostly songs based on Sanrio characters. I'm pretty sure most of them are related to old OVAs from 1989 and prior.
Oricon (CD purchase) ♪ YouTube
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dongyohq · 1 year ago
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Boas-vindas, @DY00MJ!
Nome: Matsui Junko Faceclaim: Giselle (aespa) Data de nascimento: 30 de outubro de 2000 Gênero: feminino Nacionalidade e etnia: Japão, japonesa Ocupação: Body Piercer no Inkcraft Atelier Moradia: Noksapyeong-daero 40-gil, apto. 102, 5° andar
Qualidades: resiliente, adaptável, determinada Defeitos: paranoica, imprevisível, desconfiada
TW: abandono parental, violência infantil, morte, tentativa de suicídio
O ponto é o início e o fim de tudo. Aquela metade de sua vida sem o pai, transitando entre casas de suas tias no Japão, havia a ensinado muita coisa. Sua cabeça é, na verdade, um receptor de sinais ionizantes. Sua mãe, ultra-infravermelha, a fonte transmissora dessas ondas. Uma de suas sortes foi que a vida escolar não durou muito, em Sapporo. Junko gosta de se gabar ao contar que largou os deveres e professores enfadonhos graças à sua precoce inclinação para o xadrez. Até hoje essa mentira infantil lhe assombra, como se a qualquer momento a verdade pudesse saltar numa manchete de televisão, com fotos de sua infância aparecendo no canto direito, ao lado da face da genitora.
Com um condicionamento reflexo, a memória de seu pai elicia um nó na garganta do tamanho de uma batata inglesa colhida em janeiro. Era isso, ou a memória vaga de uma infância roubada a fazia recordar só de um homem fraco de vida, enfiado em roupas de trabalho. Querido, simples, alegre. Quanto à mãe… Uma ferida aberta no peito. Uma criança de seis anos não vai bem compreender porque uma mulher mergulhada em cabelos, cheirando à terra e incenso, de repente chega na sua casa para arrastá-la para dentro de uma van. Nenhuma das suas titias fez nada para impedir. Só que a menina nunca mais viu o pai. Nem mesmo conseguiu se despedir.
Escute a sua recém-descoberta mamãe gritar todos os dias na sua cara. Isso durou o primeiro ano inteiro. Junko não fazia ideia do que ela estava falando no início, porque a mulher se recusava a se comunicar com a pequena em japonês. Contudo, a garota podia ver pelo modo que um tremor a sacudia quando ela gritava que aquela violência não era contra si. Algo na cabeça dela estava espremido, querendo sair, dolorido, machucado. Junko estava fadada a encarar as expressões retorcidas com os olhos arregalados, a pior cara de medo possível, para satisfazer uma necessidade de dor e catarse que pertencia à ela. Esse tipo de reação se tornou tão automática quanto se ela fosse um dos ratos brancos de Watson navegando em um labirinto, procurando o botão certo para levar um baita de um choque, porque, depois do choque, vinha a recompensa. Depois dos gritos e das ameaças, sempre vinha os abraços e os momentos de mãe e filha. Só que Junko se pegou desejando que a mulher sumisse cada vez mais. No início, menos por uma hipotética maldade natural e mais porque, se ela só desaparecesse, como seu pai, seria melhor do que ver o que estava acontecendo com seu estado. Principalmente, talvez, por serem tão idênticas que até lhe assustava. A mulher funcionava em ciclos, a depender do que estivesse tomando, só precisava dela medicada para se livrar dos ataques violentos de sua mãe.
Era a única forma de ela manter seu próprio equilíbrio. O peso da responsabilidade nem a consternou, posto que ela abraçou sua sina com a mansidão de um carneirinho. As coisas eram assim com os japoneses. Por mais fodida que fosse a sua família, você permanece. Em um dia, havia 102 tabuleiros espalhados pela casa quando Junko entrou pela porta depois de uma escapada a céu aberto, sinal da numerologia que atormentava os nucleotídeos em sua família. Cada tabuleiro abandonado pela casa apresentou-lhe um meio-de-jogo graciosamente magistrado por sua mãe – em um pedido de socorro que decifrou muito tarde. A garota sacrificou a Rainha em todos eles, por teimosia e provocação. Foi assim que descobriu que sua mãe era O Gênio. O sistema nervoso central do que ela mesma viria-a-ser, incutido naquele código genético.
Durante o outono mais preternatural que a garota jamais viu, o corpo da mulher fora recolhido do lago próximo de sua casa. Ser O Gênio é diferente de ser só um gênio. A voz que apertava as têmporas de Junko desde o ocorrido era a voz de sua mãe. Porque gênio é menos capacidade intelectual e mais espírito para sua família. Temia não conseguir esconder que não estava sentindo nada. Raridade? Não… Em relação à genitora, a gêniozinho se privou de quase tudo durante todos aqueles anos. E como se seus neurônios não se importaram em processar a dor, ela se recolheu em quietude. Não vejo, não ouço, não falo. Logo, não sinto. Deixou de lado as superstições, porque sua mãe é morta, e ela está viva.
A inconsistência de sua vida tornou impossível determinar o fator culminante de sua persistente paranoia. A noite que acordou no hospital, depois de um coma considerável após um acidente não-tão acidental, encontrou um rosto de sua infância. Foi como acordar dos seis anos de idade direto para aquele momento, como se o tempo vivido não tivesse sido mais que algum mecanismo de coping meio fodido para algo que havia concretamente acontecido. A morte do pai, talvez? Nunca a tinha testemunhado, se é que, de fato, aconteceu. Como saber? Para a tia enrolada na poltrona do hospital, ela era igualmente um fantasma. Paramnésias acompanhadas de reabilitações e silêncio. Ela não entendeu o que houve e não ousava discutir. Nem sobre a estadia nas províncias vizinhas, nem sobre sua mãe, nem sobre porque as tias coreanas eram seu contato de emergência nos registros do hospital, quando ela viveu muito mais tempo com as japonesas.
Precisava acabar com o legado doentio antes que a tomasse de vez. Então, sua mudança de país tinha data e hora marcada, uma independência jamais conseguida antes, mesmo que ainda estivesse sob a tutela de uma de suas tias. Com o passar dos meses no distrito coreano, adaptou-se conforme seus novos costumes, adquirindo estabilidade aos conhecimentos daquele país, até mesmo conseguindo um emprego novo e usando disso como sua fonte para se manter. Regida com a capacidade de aprimoração, camufla-se entre seres triviais, criando, como base, sua nova forma de vida.
TW: N/A Temas de interesse: angst, crack, fluffy, friendship, romance, smut, violence Conflitos: sim, mas me comunique com antecedência Disponibilidade: noite e aleatório
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444lpblue · 1 year ago
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End #1-4 - It was... Perfect
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Episode 1 - The Journey's End Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Keiichirou Saitou Episode Director: Ayaka Tsuji Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Key Animators: Junko Abe, Shin Ogasawara, Ran Kamezawa, Jun Sekiguchi, Daiki Harashina, Kanata Yanagisawa, Shinichi Yoshikawa, Xujian Li, Odashi, Keisuke Kobayashi, Shinji Ootsuka, Hayato Kakita, Toshiyuki Satou, Ayaka Tsuji, Yoshiko Matsumura, Emi Yamazaki, Kanako Yoshida, Kerorira, Kou Yoshinari
Episode 2 - It Didn't Have to Be Magic... Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Tomoya Kitagawa Episode Director: Tomoya Kitagawa Chief Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Animation Director: Ayaka Minoshima Key Animators: Junko Abe, Nobuhide Kariya, Toshiyuki Satou, Harumi Takagi, Daiki Tanaka, Masaho Hori, Yutaka Minowa, Kanata Yanagisawa, Xujian Li, Fuuko Abe, Kyousuke Ootori, Takahito Sakazume, Jura, Yuka Matsumura, Yukiko Watabe, Hayato Kakita, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Jun Sekiguchi, Airi Takahashi, Daiki Harashina, Ayaka Minoshima, Kouta Mori, Shinichi Yoshikawa, Aoi Ootani, Naoki Katou, Sanae Shitaya, Shinya Segawa, Zihan Liu
Episode 3 - Killing Magic Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Daiki Harashina Episode Director: Daiki Harashina Chief Animation Director: Reiko Nagasawa Animation Director: Daiki Harashina Key Animators: Daiki Harashina, Junko Abe, Shin Ogasawara, Mai Toda, Kanata Yanagisawa, Daisuke Shibukawa, Kou Yoshinari, Fei Hung Donghua, Hanwen Ye, Tooru Iwazawa, Honami Takeuchi, Yoshiko Matsumura, Xujian Li, Yukiko Busa, Nonno
Episode 4 - The Land Where Souls Rest Screenplay: Tomohiro Suzuki Storyboard: Yoshiaki Kawajiri Episode Director: Kento Matsui Chief Animation Director: Reiko NagasawaAnimation Director: Ayaka Tsuji Key Animators: Shin Ogasawara, Hiroyuki Kobashi, Toshiyuki Satou, Harumi Takagi, Rie Arakawa, Yuka Koiso, Masahiro Yufune, Pinqiao Hui, Norifumi Kugai, Ayaka Satou, Jun Sekiguchi, Miyuki Inoue, Shuuji Maruyama, Ryuuguu-san, Yenxin Fan
Last week was utter hell, with a new class, a new schedule, and my sleep going out of whack. I'm still trying to readjust, and let me explain why I'm mentioning all of this. Almost nothing would have motivated me to get out of my zone and type this post except for Frieren. Frieren is one of my favorite manga series. If you've talked to me about anime/manga before, you would know this. So, ever since it was announced, it has been one of my most anticipated series. To add to that, Keiichirou Saitou was announced as the director. He's a great example of an upcoming new-gen director who has excelled in everything he's been a part of. From the beautiful and abstract EDs he created for The Executioner and Her Way of Life or Boogiepop, to the mesmerizing, dreamlike episodes he directed for Sonny Boy, and the expressive, now very popular Bocchi the Rock. He was a perfect choice as a director for a series like this, and let me tell you, he delivered fully.
Just from a quick glance, you can see how the show looks. Everything is eye-catching, making it almost hard to focus on one particular element because they all just look so good, and no, it's not just the chromatic aberration causing the lack of focus. The various departments responsible for compositing, the background, and the overall color design have done an outstanding job, creating a beautiful and cohesive piece of art. Seeing someone you might consider a less experienced director pulling off such a complete and harmonious experience is incredible. In terms of design, the whole show is aesthetically pleasing. It's not the experimental work you saw in Sonny Boy; it's going in a totally different direction, like a beautiful painting that should be framed on a wall.
It works very well when paired with, you know, how Frieren is as a story. The fantasy world they are in isn't an extremely unique one. You've seen it before; it's fairly typical in that sense. But that's not truly the point. The main focus is showing the day-to-day or year-to-year life of this immortal elf girl, Frieren, and how she views time, how she remembers her past. It's not an incredibly grand adventure, but with the small lens we have on these characters, it feels like a cherished moment, something that should be captured in a photo or painting. It's beautiful in a very simple way. It's not a series made for extremely large moments, I think Frieren has always been focused on a simpler view of life, much like a painting. The smaller details of such a straightforward approach are highlighted so well. The trees in the environment, the squirrels just moving around—there's so much life in each scene. It really all comes together for me like a piece of art.
The consistency lasts through all four episodes, and the staff distribution also seems fairly good, so I expect this to continue throughout the two cours. The pacing itself is perfect. I've really enjoyed how the story has been adapted to animation so far. I believe that nowadays, many anime series have fallen into the pitfalls of adapting things too quickly to capture the interest of newer viewers early on. However, the series composition for Frieren here is excellent.
This writeup might have been shorter than most people were expecting considering how amazing the anime adaptation is and how much I love the source material, but what can really be said about except just praising? I feel like even if you don't like the source material, the anime's execution is almost undeniably good. Additionally, as I said this past week has not been kind to me so my energy is a bit drained, at first I was planning to be more specific in my write up and make points more adhering to the specifics of each episode, but I didn't really have time for that. However, I will do my best to cover every Frieren episode weekly from now on. Make no mistake this is going to be my favorite series from this year.
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knot-monthly · 1 year ago
11/1 CHEEBA CHEEBA CHEEBA ALL GENRE あなたのお気に入りの曲、クラブで大音量で流しませんか? ルールは簡単!ムズカシイことぬき!飲みながら延々Back to Back(一曲ごとにDJが替わる)で音を流しましょうというイベントです。普段DJをしない方にも大音量で音楽を流して頂きたい!そんな思いで毎月第1水曜日に開催。一見さん大歓迎! プレイしたい音楽メディアに縛りはありません! ・スマホや携帯の音源!・MP3プレイヤー!・レコード!・CD!・その他音の出る機械、楽器! お気に入りの音楽を持ってきて下さい!音楽ジャンルは問いません。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
11/2 TOURISM TECHNO/HOUSE GUEST DJ:magari/KUNI DJ:本間本願寺 デトロイト、シカゴ、デトロイト、デトロイト。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料
11/10 バラ���の金曜 J-POP/A-POP DJ:ラグーン/リカーズ/エルク/ひろきら FOOD:シンガプーラキッチン OPEN 19:00 ¥1000/1D
11/17 膀胱破裂 ENDLESS B2B GUEST DJ:天敵/TAIZO DJ:安田晋一郎/BABY-MAR/BASHIMELLOW/あゆみ/大山のぶ夫 金曜の地獄谷!恐怖のENDLESS BACK 2 BACK!! OPEN 20:00 入場無料
11/18 ご近所びんびん物語2 ALL GENRE LIVE:Rikey Littleforest/フジモトエリ(Khaki's)/山口兄弟/美咲 DJ:momoset/Babymar/TAKKY fr. Pegasus movement/MATSUI/火星人から来た人 (PONDER)/SHOWHOW/TOMO(Jupiter)/めぐみ/TOMOHIRO HASEGAWA/大山のぶ夫 OPEN 17:00 ¥1000/1D 子供無料 お子様連れ大歓迎です♪
11/23 キッズウォー ALLゆとりミュージック GUEST DJ: DJ:しゅわっち☆/かなつ/マコトキングストン/よしとき/ビリー/ARATA/けだま OPEN 20:00 入場無料
11/24 BA・BAR営業 ALL GENRE ゲスト爺:showhow(LIA) 選曲:yogie/松井/gocci/あゆみ/めぐみ/大山のぶ夫 お茶請け:有賀/城戸/松井/大山 ババアのバー営業、ババー営業。世話焼きババアと釣りじじいがお茶請け持って寄り合いだ。 注)当日、全てのババアは敬老価格ドリンク100円引きとなります。 OPEN 20:00 入場無料 ※別途フードチャージ 男性500円 女性400円頂戴致します
11/26 PEANUTS CAFE JAZZ/SOUL/FUNK/ROCK/LATIN/AND MORE GUEST DJ:705/MIZUNO DJ:DJ:ハカセジャズオ/TIGER/ぱっぽん/鳴海/Mitsman Groove/Ringino/大山のぶ夫 OPEN 18:00 入場無料
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popmovie888 · 2 years ago
Naruto The Movie 5 นารูโตะ เดอะมูฟวี่ 5 ศึกสายสัมพันธ์ (2008) พากย์ไทย
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กำกับโดย  Hajime Kamegaki เขียนโดย  Junki Takegami ผลิตโดย  Mikihiko Fukazawa / Shoji Matsui นำแสดงโดย  Junko Takeuchi / Noriaki Sugiyama / Motoko Kumai / Unshō Ishizuka บริษัทผู้ผลิต   Studio Pierrot จัดจำหน่ายโดย    Toho วันที่วางจำหน่าย  2 สิงหาคม 2551 ความยาว  93 นาที ประเทศ   ญี่ปุ่น ภาษา   ญี่ปุ่น บ็อกซ์ออฟฟิศ   1.16 พันล้านเยน (10.6 ล้านเหรียญสหรัฐ) ตัวอย่าง https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkI3ZCEbx_E ภาพรวม Naruto The Movie 5 นารูโตะ เดอะมูฟวี่ 5 ศึกสายสัมพันธ์ (2008)  นินจาศัตรูจากดินแดนแห่งท้องฟ้ามาถึงโคโนฮะและเริ่มต้นการโจมตีหมู่บ้านอย่างรวดเร็ว กระทำการแก้แค้นให้กับการโจมตีทำลายล้างของหมู่บ้านลีฟในดินแดนแห่งท้องฟ้าในช่วงสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2 ของนินจาผู้ยิ่งใหญ่ ในขณะที่อุซึมากิ นารูโตะ ซากุระ ฮารุโนะ & ฮินาตะ ฮิวงะไปกับอามารุและหมอชินโนะกลับไปที่หมู่บ้านของพวกเขา ซาอิและชิโนะ อาบุราเมะทำลายฐานทัพเรือของนินจาบนท้องฟ้า ที่หมู่บ้านที่กำลังถูกไฟไหม้ Amaru ค้นหาชาวบ้านด้วยกับดักที่ดูเหมือนจะฆ่า Doctor Shinno นารูโตะเกือบจะแปลงร่างเป็นสัตว์หาง แต่ผนึกนั้นกดจักระของจิ้งจอกเก้าหางในตัวเขา และอามารุก็ต้านทานพลังของเรอิบิ ที่ป้อมปราการลอยน้ำ Ancor Vantian นารุโตะรู้ว่าหมอชินโนะที่หายตัวได้ทรยศต่อพวกเขา โดยใช้อามารุเพื่อศึกษาพลังแห่งความมืดเมื่อ 15 ปีที่แล้ว เช่นเดียวกับม้วนหนังสือลับของหมู่บ้าน หลังจากที่หมอชินโนะเปิดใช้งานเทคนิคการฟื้นฟูร่างกายชั่วคราว นารุโตะก็หยุดอามารุจากการฆ่าตัวตายและทั้งๆ ที่พวกเขาจำได้ จากนั้นซาสึเกะก็ปรากฏตัวและเข้าไปแทรกแซง โดยบอกหมอชินโนะที่อ่อนแอให้ช่วยโอโรจิมารุ แต่หมอชินโนปฏิเสธ»  "หนังมาใหม่"   « โดยให้คัมภีร์จุตสึกลับชาติมาเกิดกับซาสึเกะก่อนจะล้มลง เข้าไปในประตูกับดัก Naruto & Sasuke เผชิญหน้ากับ Shinnō เผยให้เห็นรังไหมยักษ์เป็น Zero-Tails และกลายเป็นสัตว์ประหลาดที่ดูดซับจักระ หลังจากที่ซาสึเกะปลดปล่อยเครื่องหมายคำสาปและนารูโตะจักระของจิ้งจอก พวกเขาก็บรรทุกชินโนะด้วยชาร์กะ ทำลายเขาด้วยดาบสายฟ้าและทอร์นาโดราเซนกัน         Read the full article
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keitaroshimizu · 4 years ago
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Year: 2021
Product : | ELECTRIC BARI BRUSH デンキバリブラシ 
Role: Planning | Creative direction | Copy writing
GM CORPORATION が開発・販売する低周波モバイルビューティケア ELECTRIC BARI BRUSH デンキバリブラシ®︎のCM映像の企画・ディレクションをさせていただきました。
商品最大の特徴である青+赤のLEDカラーをベースにビジュアルを設計。 美しさが 目醒める刺激 をテーマに、目に見えない低周波による心地よい刺激を可視化することで、商品の持つ魅力を表現しました。
Creative Director  |  Keitaro Shimizu(Flawplateaux)
Producer  | Yasuaki Matsui(WOW)
Assistant Producer  | Kanako Kaeriyama(WOW)
Production Manager  |  Fumika Yoshizaki
Director  |  Shuhei Yamada(HANABI)
Cinematographer  |  Mao Oogawara
Lighting Director  |  Kosei Kobayashi(OFFICE KOSEI)
Hair&Make-up / Stylist  |  Junko Nishio(socca)
SFX  |  Locust
CG  |  Yasuhiro Kobari(Triple Additioanl)
Motino Graphics  |  Wilton Santana(HANABI)
Editor  |  Ryota Sakamoto/Kaine Ito(IEMOTO)
VFX Compositor  |  Hiroyuki Sai(IEMOTO)
Sound Engineer  |   Hisashi Kumagai(Step)
Music  |  Masato Hatanaka
Narrator Nona  |  Nona(AONI PRO)
Cast  |  Sakira Yoneda
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blazardragon · 7 years ago
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Nagisa’s Parents’ Graduation Album Profiles
Their profiles are the ones I wanted to work on most after finishing the Asanos’ profiles, so I’m happy that I can finally post this. The part about Nagisa’s father  touches my heart, and Hiromi’s part really adds some flavor to her character! Learning a character’s random interests gives me life.
Nagisa’s home life is surely a big component in many fanfics, so I hope learning more about his parents proves useful for you writers out there!  
Title:  Shiota Nagisa’s mother - Shiota Hiromi 
Section 1:  Nagisa’s mother, who had held excessive expectations for him
In response to the oppressive education inflicted upon her by her parents, she forced the path she couldn’t achieve onto Nagisa. However, after being faced with Korosensei’s and Nagisa’s sincere words and realizing that her own educational policy was wrong, she has come to respect Nagisa’s independence.
Section 2: Photo captions 
Formerly, Hiromi frequently threw herself into fits of hysteria. With Nagisa supporting her by her side, she has been working toward suppressing those impulses.
Section 3: Secrets that Hiromi keeps from even her family
She likes cars. She thinks that blue Alpine A310′s remodeled to be right-handed are cool.
She smiles and laughs in front of the mirror, thinking that she has the same ambiance as the late Junko Ikeuchi*.
She likes Bishojo Senshi**. When it’s on TV, she unconsciously turns her head toward it.
When she was a kid, she decided on her own Bishojo Senshi pose, which she practiced in secret.
Section 4: Shiota Nagisa’s father 
Unable to endure Hiromi’s fits of hysteria, he divorced her. He regularly met with Nagisa. Now that he has reconciled with Hiromi, he’s very happy!
Section 5: Family memories Nagisa’s father carries in his heart
His excitement when Nagisa was born
His fear the first time Hiromi suddenly transformed
His sense of pride when Nagisa was overjoyed by the conveyor-belt sushi restaurant
His own face full of sadness after seeing off Hiromi and Nagisa when they left
Nagisa’s smiling face as he ran happily toward him upon spotting him
Nagisa’s tears when he told him the three of them were going to start things over as a family
* Junko Ikeuchi was a popular Japanese TV actress. A few things that stand out to me from her Wikipedia page is that she ranked 1st in both popularity and acting ability among TV actresses in the 1960s. She was known for her traditional, refined beauty, and she often portrayed brave, refreshing, motherly characters.
** The book just says 美少女戦士 (Bishojo Senshi), which I thought might be a genre of anime, but when I search 美少女戦士, all the results are for Bishojo Senshi – Sailor Moon, so I’m assuming that 美少女戦士 = Sailor Moon, or at least the Assassination Classroom universe’s version of it. Sailor Moon aired in 1992, though, so I’m a bit thrown off by the, “When she was a kid,” bit.
Nagisa’s father’s memories appear to be listed in chronological order. If so, then the fits of hysteria started after Nagisa was born. I wonder if she had some form of postpartum, or perhaps not having a girl was the tipping point for her?
Would it kill Matsui to give Nagisa’s dad a name?  ^^; 
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toruasai · 6 years ago
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【お初!出張ミキサー】 「‘み’んなで‘気’軽に‘サ’ッカ‘ー’しようぜ」の頭文字を取って「ミキサー」。「混ざり合う」という想いも込めてこう呼んでいます。 そんなミキサーも初開催から1年が経ち、イベントにお呼ばれして開催することとなりました。 障害有無を問わずに子どもが楽しめる場を提供することをミッションとしているNPO法人BLACKSOXさんが開催している横浜チャレンジスポーツ!にて子供達とフットサルを楽しむ場を作ることとなり、この日に向けてたくさんの準備をしてきました。 初めての試みに色々と苦心しましたが、当日たくさんの笑顔に出会うことができてとてもとても嬉しかったです! 手話体験を交え、試合前後の挨拶を手話でしたり、ウォーキングフットボールのルールを取り入れたところウォーキングフットボール教会の佐藤光則さんに魅力を参加者にお話頂いたりとだいぶ盛りだくさん! 当日は障害者サッカーの選手たちに集ってもらい子供達と一緒にプレイ!⚽️ アンプティサッカーからFCアウボラーダSeiji Arai選手 脳性麻痺者サッカーから横浜BAYFC河野 和輝 (Kazuteru Kouno)選手 デフサッカー元東日本代表からHidenori Hibi選手 デフサッカー元女子日本代表吉原 和香奈 (Yoshihara Wakana)選手 ソーシャルフットボールからFCPORT鈴木 淳子 (Junko Suzuki)選手 電動車椅子サッカーから永岡 真理 (Mari Nagaoka)選手、中山環選手、近藤鉄平選手、石井俊也選手、西川明男選手 にご参加して頂きました! 子どもたちからの質問にそれぞれの選手が真剣に回答していてファシリの立ち回りをさせてもらった自分が一番勉強になったかも。 鈴木 太郎横浜市議会議員による横浜チャレンジスポーツ!宣言では健常者と障害者のスポーツへのアクセス格差についてのお話が印象に残りました。 NPO法人トラッソスのエアスタジアムとのコラボレーションも実現!トラッソスさんは知的障害、発達障害の方のサッカーチームを運営している法人で、エアスタジアムというバルーン状のフットサルコートを設営することで、子供心をくすぐりまくってます。松井 基樹 (Motoki Matsui)コーチ、臨機応変な対応流石です。 ミキサーはというと、、、怪我なく楽しんでもらえて本当によかった…今回の経験と反省を糧にこれからも皆さんに楽しんでもらえるようフットサル企画していけたらと思っています。 次回の横浜チャレンジスポーツ!は5月26日に南区清水が丘公園体育館にて開催予定とのことです! (障害者スポーツ文化センター横浜ラポール スポーツ課) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJ624pBqIP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jm33uwrys7kg
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daylee-info · 6 years ago
Katsumi Matsui
PP: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Idade: 19
Apelidos: Kat, Sumi
Espécie: Humana
Gênero: Feminino
Orientação: Demissexual
Cabelo: Loiro
Olhos: Azuis
Altura: 1.75
Kaoru Matsui (Irmão)
Masato Matsu (Tio)
Par Romântico: xxx (Shipp Wish: Ashi)
Status: Viva
Kills: xxx
Killed By: xxx
RPG: WMP: Waterbom Multi Park
0 notes
patheticphallacy · 5 years ago
So let’s start this post by referencing the major creative crisis I went through this month, stemming from a blogging rut I found myself in beginning in July. I’ve got through it now, and I have basically the next month and a half of content already scheduled in preparation for my return to Uni, but the rut was real, guys.
I spend a lot of time on my posts and I found myself very low regarding the content and the amount of response I get to what I post. I know blogging is a lengthy process, I’m not going to immediately get response considering the blog is only just over two years old, and I genuinely love writing these posts and reviews. It’s a worry I tackle often, but sometimes it just gets to me and makes me feel kind of hopeless of ever getting over my general anxiety regarding interacting with other people. I keep my distance just because I don’t know how to make friends in the community, and I feel like that translates over to my blog sometimes too, but I’m really trying to change that by talking to more people!
Other than that: August was boring. I read, I watched random stuff, and I worked overtime shifts so I have enough money for rent when Uni starts. I’m honestly a pretty boring person during off-time from University just because of how far away I am from people, combined with my lack of money. Maybe next Summer will be more exciting.
I also want to add that my blog is going to be a lot busier now the end of the year is approaching. I always seem to have a calm period in November, but every other month, expect chaos! Good chaos, though. Friendly chaos. October is a great month for me as I love horror and supernatural things, which means I have twice as many post ideas.
    Assassination Classroom Volume 3-4 by Yusei Matsui– I expect to read more Assassination Classroom this month, but I ended up starting another popular manga series (that’ll come up later). I did enjoy these two volumes, and we got some intriguing looks into Korosensei’s backstory. 
Ibitsu by Haruto Ryo– I hated this. Straight up. It felt very targeted towards the humiliation of teenage girls with a lot of unneeded torture and nudity, and I just felt sick after reading it, and not in a way I can enjoy with some stories. 
Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love Volume 1-4 by Yayu Sakuragi– This is an age-gap romance between an 18 year old and his childhood friend who is… six/eight years older than him, one of the two. There were some really weird moments, for sure, and I won’t dispute that the age gap was kinda gross at points, but I feel like by the end the conversations on adulthood and the main character finally having his frustrations recognised meant a lot. 
My Love Story Volume 7-13 by Kazune Kawahara– I’m in a perpetual state of mourning now that I’ve finished this series. It’s one of my all-time favourites. The ending is so heartfelt and they get into heavier issues towards the final volume that I feel helped carry the main relationship from feeling young into adulthood as the characters began college. It addresses jealousy and feelings of incompetence, while never belittling the trust these characters have in one another. It’s handled so maturely and so unlike other stories, and I’m satisfied with the conclusion, even if my heart is broken. 
    My Hero Academia Vigilantes Volume 4 by Hideyuki Furuhashi– Not as good as volume 3, but has some solid character development and we finally have a showdown of sorts. This does end on a cliffhanger, fair warning.
Starlike Words by Junko– Reaaaally didn’t like this. Poor development of character and relationship and the nudity felt gratuitous and gross, especially considering these characters are only 15/16. 
These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling– Another one that disappointed me. I have a review for this linked at the end of this post, just know that I had issues with the treatment of toxic relationships and a victim blaming attitude. 
Peter and Alice by John Logan– An OK read that’s very meta, a play that imagines the meeting behind Peter Llewelyn Davies and Alice Liddell in 1932. It’s very tragic and the weaving of the characters they inspired into their own stories was incredible, but I found myself thinking the whole time about how this… probably didn’t happen. I know I should have suspended my disbelief, it just felt impossible. 
    One Piece Volume 1-11 by Eiichiro Oda– EE. This series is great! I literally started the longest running manga series I’ve come across so far and I don’t regret starting it, even if I did at first. The first 100 chapters have flown by with incredible character development and a wonderful world being shaped, and I adore it. 
Their Body and Their Afterthought by Shelby Eileen– Not my favourite poetry collection. I don’t want to be too harsh, but it felt like it reiterates what I’ve read in other collections on similar themes and issues without ever offering anything new with form. 
I Hate Fairyland Volume 1 by Skottie Young– I previously read this volume years ago. After a re-read, I’ve lowered my rating. I’ve just read way too many different comics and manga and whatnot to not be slightly critical. The art is still great, but it felt like I was struggling to get through this at points, especially after starting volume 2 and having to stop from boredom. It feels repetitive. 
Sunshine, Sadness and Other Floridian Effects by Shelby Eileen– This collection was better than Their Body, luckily! It has some stunning imagery, calling up impressions of water and the turning of the tide in tandem with loss coinciding with moments of happiness, and I do recommend it. 
    Faithless #3/#4 by Brian Azzarello– Starting to get bored with this series. There’s only so much shocking stuff and nudity without any kind of explanation for it before you grow tired. I’ll carry on reading for a few issues; I’m just ready to drop it if nothing much keeps happening. 
Pochamani Volume 1-5 by Kaname Hirama– Ohhh this was such a great series! It’s out of print so I had to read it online, and only the first five volumes are actually translated, which was so disappointing but I still recommend this series. It’s got the first fat main character I’ve seen in a manga series, and has so much conversation surrounding body shaming and positivity and the constant grappling with self-hate when you have a fat body. It means a lot to me, and seeing a romance where a fat girl is adored by her boyfriend is so wholesome. 
The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell– I literally started this last year and it took me that whole period of time to read 140 pages, and then in the space of a week I read the last 150. There’s definitely a sense of elitism and anti-genre fiction (especially what is typically branded as targeted towards women) which aggravated me, but the general humour was great and there was an interesting insight into the running of independent bookshops. 
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling– I feel like I’ve gone OFF about this book on here in August, but this book deserves it. It’s an intense psychological sci-fi horror where main character, Gyre, goes on a caving mission that ends up being more than it first appears. I love the relationship that develops between Gyre and Em, and I highly recommend the audiobook!
My Life with Bob by Pamela Paul– I have a whole review on my Goodreads that I feel summarises my issues with this book. I enjoyed this, but same with Shaun Bythell’s book, there’s a definite sense of elitism in some ways. I think Pamela Paul was willing to paint herself negatively in some respects and show the harmful thought processes she could have, and I appreciated that. My review is a lot more elaborate! Sorry!
  Pen & Ink by Isaac Fitzgerald and Wendy MacNaughton– This is a fun side-by-side of tattoos with the explanations behind them from the people that have them. The stories are whacky and fun, in some places, but are also sentimental and heartfelt in others, and I like the different thought processes behind getting them and the way everyone still seems to love them. 
My Hero Academia Volume 19 by Kohei Horikoshi– SO. GOOD. The real strength of this series lies in how well developed the characters and their relationships are, and this volume especially reaffirms that. Aoyama is so sweet and if he’s the traitor I’ll riot! 
  TBR JAR PICK FOR SEPTEMBER IS: WILLFUL MACHINES by Tim Floreen! My best friend picked this one out for me, thank you friend!
I FINALLY went to the cinema again and watched BTS: Bring the Soul. I loved it.
I re-watched Daddy Day Care (don’t ask, it’s literally the only film I watched on Netflix the whole month and I hate that) and it opens with Ben– Eddie Murphy’s in-movie son– climbing out of bed and putting on the exact same Spongebob slippers my sister and I had when we were younger and it was amazing. I’ve never felt so nostalgic over something so unintentional in a film.
Not a watch, but a listen: the Teenage Scream podcast hosted by Kirsty Logan and Heather Parry, where they read and breakdown classic Point Horror novels from the 90s.
As always, I watched random stuff on deep dives on YouTube. This included: An Aesthetic History of The 1975, fat people don’t belong in magazines (it’s not what it sounds like), Being Lowborn w/ Kerry Hudson (an author interview! yes!), and I guess I’ll recommend the latest paperbackdreams video because I love Kat’s channel!
University: Second Year Breakdown
A Bookshelf Tour: Part 1
REVIEW: These Witches Don’t Burn
Shakespeare Plays as Taylor Swift Songs
REVIEW: The Luminous Dead
Top Ten Tuesday: Read Books I Wish I Owned!
A Bookshelf Tour: Part 2
If you liked this post, consider buying me a coffee? Ko-Fi. 
August Wrap Up Hallo! So let's start this post by referencing the major creative crisis I went through this month, stemming from a blogging rut I found myself in beginning in July.
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recentanimenews · 8 years ago
Bookshelf Briefs 6/26/17
Assassination Classroom, Vol. 16 | By Yusei Matsui | Viz Media – Most of this volume is taken up by the flashback showing us how Koro-sensei became what he is today. As you’d expect, it’s pretty tragic, but there’s also a bit of cognitive dissonance, as it’s hard to see the Koro-sensei we know today in that apathetic killer who appears at the start. But it’s the power of love that helps turn him, if not away from the dark side, at least into someone who cares about the right way to teach. Also, in case you didn’t hate Yanigasawa enough already, his portrayal as an arrogant abuser will help speed things along. Back in the present, our class is now divided—can they really kill Koro-sensei, or should they try to save him? Each volume of this series gets more and more gripping. -Sean Gaffney
Complex Age, Vol. 5 | By Yui Sakuma | Kodansha Comics – Phew. After a gut-wrenching fourth volume, I was seriously wary about reading this volume. Thankfully, however, it is far more encouraging than the last. True, Kimiko is still planning to give up on cosplay, and though she tries to sell it as wanting to devote herself to photography, it’s clear that what Rui (boo! hiss!) said to her had a role to play in her decision. But Nagisa meets her fiancé and can’t help but be happy for her best friend. Meanwhile, Hayama continues to cosplay and is having fun in her new job as an event coordinator. The bottom line is—the future needn’t be bleak, and Nagisa is left to wonder where her own limits are. With people at work and home seemingly inclined to respect her choices, could we possibly have a happy ending next time? I hope so! – Michelle Smith
Everyone’s Getting Married, Vol. 5 | By Izumi Miyazono | Viz Media – I’d mentioned Kamiya’s ‘aggressive courting’ in the last volume, and here it walks way over the line into blackmail and emotional abuse. Kamiya has become a creep, and Asuka is rightly trying to do her best to pull away from him without it damaging either her career or Ryu’s. Ryu, meanwhile, is having his own battles with Kamiya, as each says that they don’t care about what Asuka is really thinking about. Frankly, I think Ryu’s doing a better job of it, and he’s also able to break things off with Sakura in a more permanent way. Still, Kamiya isn’t going away, and the volume’s end shows him trying to be the Sun rather than the North Wind. Frustrating at times, especially when Kamiya’s being a creep, but still good. – Sean Gaffney
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 18 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – Yes, Soma wins his battle, showing that the power of fantastic food is better than the power of bribery. This also means that the administration’s goons temporarily back off attacking Polaris Dorm, and we get a highly amusing celebration scene (with more horror from newbies at Isshiki stripping). The big impact comes in the middle of the book, as we learn that Erina’s father is attacking Polaris in particular due to a past with Soma’s father. In fact, he was unaware that Saiba was Soma’s father (the danger of taking the wife’s last name, a far more Japanese thing)… and moreover, Erina was unaware of it as well. In any case, more bad things are happening as the book wraps up, and I expect things will get worse soon. – Sean Gaffney
Kiss Him, Not Me!, Vol. 11 | By Junko | Kodansha Comics – Well, new rival turned out to be absolutely terrible, didn’t he? This volume consists of a lot of running around trying to stop Kae from getting forcibly married. Kae spends the entire main storyline in her “overweight” form, which surprised me, but it doesn’t stop her making an awkward but impressive escape attempt. Unfortunately, after that she mostly acts as a passive prize, only snapping and letting Mitsuboshi have it right at the end. And even that seems to be a case where she can only “win” by literally pounding him into unconsciousness with her bulk. There’s also a side story which is terminally ridiculous—which is good, as this manga needs to be over the top silly in order not to drown in problematic shoujo and fat stereotypes. Variable as always. – Sean Gaffney
Kuroko’s Basketball, Vol. 11-12 | By Tadatoshi Fujimaki | Viz Media – It’s rare you see a tie in a sports manga, but given this is only the qualifiers, a tie is what we end up with. Of course, this just means that Kuroko and company have to win their next match, and it ends up being against a bunch of goons who fight dirty. The leader of this team is fantastic in an awful way, showing off a couple of tragic backstories before taking them back with a smirk. Teppei and Junpei also get a lot of focus here, with a flashback that shows how they both joined the team and how Teppei got injured (and also how obvious an OT3 with them and Riko is). But they pass, and the Winter Cup is up next, with all of Kuroko’s old teammates. An extremely compelling basketball manga. – Sean Gaffney
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 24 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | Viz Media – Did I say the flashback would take up ‘some’ of this next volume? Sorry, I meant 90% of it, as everything turns horribly tragic and awful in the best backstory way, as Aladdin finishes trying to explain why metal users fighting each other leads only to destruction. There is some truly heartrending imagery here, with children burned to death and lots and lots of dead bodies. Couples we loved and found cute are beaten down by events, and of course Sheba dies, but not before giving birth to Aladdin. That said, I suspect we haven’t seen the last of Arba. It is really nice to see the main cast again, and I loved the “Alibaba is undercut” gag’s exquisite timing. In any case, the flashback is finally done—will we get more Morgiana now, please? – Sean Gaffney
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi, Vol. 7 | By HaccaWorks* and nanao | Yen Press – A rather interesting thing happens in this volume: quite a few things are revealed and yet the overall story doesn’t get appreciably clearer! Yue and his friend Akitoshi are trying to rescue Tsubaki from the shrine, but before they can manage to do so, he’s whisked away to be tossed into a pond to give strength to Mikoto, who is fighting off Akashi, whose body now belongs to Yue because Shin stole it hundreds of years ago and oh, also, Shin is the progenitor of the Tsubaki family line and by the way, here’s the deal about Mikoto’s missing tail. So many things to try to keep track of and make sense of! Thankfully, Yue’s personal dilemma is a very compelling one. I’m invested in his outcome, even if I don’t fully grasp what happened in the past. – Michelle Smith
Sweetness & Lightning, Vol. 6 | By Gido Amagakure | Kodansha Comics – This is a particularly good volume of Sweetness & Lightning—there’s a bit more conflict than usual and it doesn’t always get solved through yummy food. Tsumugi gets attached to the lost kitty she and her dad have taken in, only for its real owners to come to claim it. Then, the gang goes camping and a couple of her friends get in a disagreement. Something similar ensues on Kotori’s school trip. And Inuzuka’s bossy brother shows up and offers unsolicited advice on various things. The best part, though, is when Tsumugi stays a while with her grandparents while her dad is chaperoning a school trip. Not the part where they eat locusts, but the time she spends with her great-grandmother, looking at pictures of her dad as a kid, and contemplating complex topics like getting old. Delicious food and some bittersweet feels? I am so on board with that! – Michelle Smith
By: Michelle Smith
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knot-monthly · 7 years ago
18:00 START ¥1000/1D 9/5 LOUNGIN’ BAR STYLE 20:00START 入場無料 9/6 MELLOW MADNESS BARSTYLE 20:00START 入場無料 9/7 TOURISM TECHNO/HOUSE DJ:パンダ/本間本願寺 デトロイト、シカゴ、デトロイト、デトロイト。 20:00START 入場無料 9/8 NATURA-RHYTHM JAZZ/SOUL/SKA/and more DJ:YASUDA/SA-ME/BOW/YAMA-SAN/しゅわっち☆/川上亮/大山のぶ夫 OVER30なグル〜ヴ満載です。 20:00START 入場無料 9/9 アイス部 presents アイスサミット2017 ALL GENRE DJ:MICCYAN (FRANTIC BROWN BEAT!)/MATSUI/UE/佐藤直樹(808)/肉汁萬太郎(木印pro.)/いまい(SLAP LOVER RECORD)/MAICO/守道健太郎/ホービーズ(showhow&SHOWBEE)/松崎慶太(FiVE/WAY UP)/男爵(Drink'em All)/DJ Uncleowen/めぐみ(松井嫁)/大山のぶ夫 (knot/PEANUTS CAFE) 17:00START ¥1000/1D 9/10 裏Montego REGGAE LIVE:The Kingstompers DJ:KING-KAZ/Miccyan/PAPPONG/yasuda/masa/大山のぶ夫 19:00START ¥2000/2D 9/12 SAUDADE SUITE BARSTYLE 20:00START 入場無料 9/13 FRACTAL BARSTYLE 20:00START 入場無料 9/14 B-1 ALLGENRE DJ:MOGI/MASSA/HASSY/JUNKO/TAKOYAKI 20:00START ¥1000/1D 9/15 膀胱破裂 ENDLESS B2B GUEST DJ:TANABE/AYUMI DJ:安田晋一郎/BABY-MAR/中村雅俊/海苔ブラック/大山のぶ夫 金曜の地獄谷!恐怖のENDLESS BACK 2 BACK!! 20:00START 入場無料 9/16 SECRET FLOOR ALL GENRE ACT:BLACKOLY/KENSI/ARITA/M28/KOJI A.K.A DECO/KATSU 23:00START ¥2000/2D 9/17 SOUL JAMAICA 秋の��典SPECIAL SOUL/HIPHOP/REGGAE GUEST DJ:DJ TATSUTA/DJ FLOAT/SHINGO TAKAHASHI GUEST LIVE:ラップ丸山/FLOAT JAM DJ:岡泰之/PINO/KIMA/YUICHI/大山のぶ夫 18:00START 入場無料 9/19 LOUNGIN’ BAR STYLE 20:00START 入場無料 9/20 SOMEONE TO LIGHT UP MY LIFE JAZZ DJ:モンティ・枯木サンダー/ルグラン中野202号/カノーボール・チャタレイ/ロングロング長井/ULLAH/大山のぶ夫 おやじJAZZからフュージョン、JAZZY HIPHOPまでJAZZと言ったらJAZZと言い切る覚悟でお送りしてます。ネタ多め。 20:00START 入場無料 9/21 こちら!にしか堂本舗 DRUM’N’BASS/HOUSE DJ:にしか堂/YUTARO/MEJIRO/仏陀STEP/松森モヘー 20:00START 入場無料 9/22 T.O.P.E. HIPHOP GUEST DJ: ITF(Do the 板橋ング) GUEST LIVE:W(Fullmember)/FOOL(kamenoko pro.) DJ:IYOTA(PERVERSE/LOTUS EATER)/たけSWEEET/NISHI THE ROCK(good people/ピラニアブラザーズ)/POSI(酒池肉林)/JUNYA LIVE:TAIQ/TMAN(PERVERSE/LOTUS EATER) 先着でTAIQのselect CDをプレゼント 22:00START ¥2000/2D 9/23 FRIEND ALL GENRE GUEST DJ:SA-ME/MAICO/GAPPE(COLORFUL) DJ:MASA/MAMEJAPAN/ORI/AIKO/ロングロング長井/大山のぶ夫 22:00START ¥2000/2D & FOODS & TEQUILAAAAA お子様連れウェルカム!お子様入場無料・禁煙・キッズスペース有り・おやつ&飲み物有り 9/24 PEANUTS CAFE JAZZ/SOUL/FUNK/ROCK/LATIN/AND MORE GUEST DJ:北島友太 DJ:岩村隆/小川誠/永澤都良夫/中山裕介/古平陽佑/鳴海/大山のぶ夫 CAMERA:かなつ みんなでワイワイ、ワイワイワイワイ、ピーナッツカフェ。数量限定MIX CDプレゼント。 18:00START ¥1000/1D 9/28 NITE ON THE PLANET ROCK/SKA/REGGAE/R&B/JAPANESE/AND MORE DJ:川上亮/マチャアキ/中村悠/TOMO/YUSUKE 20:00START 入場無料 9/29 キッズウォー ALLゆとりミュージック DJ:松森モヘー/工場長/四暗刻/しゅわっち☆/かなつ/マコトキングストン/愛撫作家舐六/ビリー 20:00START 入場無料 9/30 MIX UP LIVE:TAIQ DJ:MASA/gocci/NOB/Katsuren/SAIKA a.k.a.ロベ/KANAYAN/723 【MIX-UP】ボクシング用語で「お互いの潜在能力を引き出し、高め合う」の意。切磋琢磨し「向上心」「ENJOY」をモットーに、まだまだ未熟ながら、熱い気持ちとスキルをぶつけ合う時間を是非お楽しみください!! 17:30START ¥2000/2D
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figureskate-en · 8 years ago
What actors and actresses appeared in Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990?
#Figureskate #JunkoHiramatsu [answers.com]The cast of Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990 includes: Junko Asami as Kumiko Akiko Hiramatsu as Shiori Ninomiya Masaru Ikeda as Chief Ninomiya Naoko Matsui as Sarasa Yasunori Matsumoto as Tohru Ichidaiji The cast of Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990 includes ...
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jculture-en · 8 years ago
What actors and actresses appeared in Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990?
#Figureskate #JunkoHiramatsu [answers.com]The cast of Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990 includes: Junko Asami as Kumiko Akiko Hiramatsu as Shiori Ninomiya Masaru Ikeda as Chief Ninomiya Naoko Matsui as Sarasa Yasunori Matsumoto as Tohru Ichidaiji The cast of Mainichi ga nichiyoubi - 1990 includes …
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ozu-teapot · 10 years ago
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Days of Youth | Yasujirô Ozu | 1929
Junko Matsui
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